Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Making the blog a blog of merit: Let's see how far we've come

Happy October!  I've been desperately looking forward to fall ever since I moved here, and I can happily report that it is worth it.


Three years ago when I started this blog, it was the irregularly updated chronicle of a semi-itinerant California college student with a struggling jewelry business who did a bit of writing on the side.  Now it's the regularly-scheduled ramblings of a South Carolina copywriter who works at a college and runs a small online jewelry business on the side.  Life is weird and wonderful and it's taken me for a bit of a ride.

This blog will shortly be going back over to an irregular schedule of updates.  Blogging is starting to feel like doing for free what other people could be paying me to do -- so it's time I scale back.  I expect that this will vastly improve the merit of the content ....

... and frankly, I've been doing this for three years.  I think I have a sufficiency of Jewelry Blog Content (TM).  And to the rather small extent that this is still a marketing blog, I'd rather pitch myself as an interesting person than Another Jewelry Person Who Blogs.

Expect an oddly spaced soup of treasuries, against-the-grain business advice, shopping recommendations, press releases, item photos, shop announcements, and links to interesting stuff.  I think that you-the-readers will enjoy it more (and hey -- leave me a comment sometimes, okay?  I know you're there via Analytics, but it's quiet here).  And I think that I'll be giving you more interesting stuff to read, even if there's less of it.

And I promise not to become that blog that consists entirely of posts apologizing for not posting more.  Pinky swear.

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