Two descriptions from Etsy that are doing it right:
Photo copyright EcoPrint.
These coasters are incisively and interestingly described with an excellent use of fresh, connotative adjectives. They could use a bit more, maybe an extra paragraph referencing their medieval-inspired nature and three-dimensional grayscale artwork, but what there is really shines. "Sophisticated and modern" are fair choices, but the better sentence is "Cork sheets are precisely cut and glued onto the back of the coasters for support." It would have been so easy to say "coasters are backed with cork," but this seller has made the choice to take up a very little bit more time to suggest careful craftsmanship -- "precisely" -- and long-wearing sturdiness -- "support."
Now some love for a fellow jewelry designer:
Photo copyright Kristin Berwald.
This artful necklace is remarkably well-described. Not surprising, given nearly 1200 sales! Every aspect of the piece is briefly but completely highlighted. "Story" is given in a manner that's intriguing, not annoying -- "The watch movement is from an Elgin pocket watch made in 1924."
Where the strength of the coasters' description is in adjectives, this one's is in verbs. Items are "showcased" or "glow" instead of just ... being there. Assemblages are "built"; the necklace doesn't hang, it "drapes." Everything can stand improvement, and the adjectives could perhaps take some spice -- there's a slight over-reliance on uninspiring standbys like "elegant" and "nature-inspired" -- but overall, this is a beautifully written piece of copy, and from me it gets an A.
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