Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times ...

On the "best" side of things:

-I love my new job to death. I have one student who refused to sign up for his appointment before and now wants to meet a nine in the morning (not. Happening.), but the rest of them are bright, interested kids and I am having a great time working with them.
-My girlfriend loves me.
-Sales have picked up this month; four of them!

On the "worst" side:

-I am horribly, horribly sick. It's not swine flu. All the cool people get swine flu; I get a sinus infection. For those fortunate enough to have no had them, sinus infections basically cause your entire head and neck area to fill up with thick, sloshy glue.
-I dumped soup on my laptop. And my thigh, but the blisters healed; the power port didn't. Brodie (our Malinois) left a dog toy where I would step on it. I have to get a student loan now so I can get a new one.

More good than bad, mind you, but the bad is ... draining. Consequently, I'm largely MIA. So until further notice:

- Go read this webcomic strip. You will thank me.

- I'm too disgusting to be creative, so, have a free pair of earrings with any purchase. Discount code "walrus." You're welcome.

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