Friday, April 8, 2011

Things that M hates

The most "statementy" statement piece I've ever made, which I decided, after consideration, to actually relist now, because I still really like it:

Available here.

People either love this or hate it.  It's very "tribal," though the word still bothers me.  I love how you can see the texture in the lustrous coral daggers, though it dates from before I decided I'd only buy coral as responsibly-collected focals.  I'm fond of the pyrite and chose the clearest carvings for this piece, though it does apparently weather significantly.  I did once have someone at UCR ask if I could do a long one with a few of the coral sticks for a man.  I should probably still do that; I have some beads that look like peach pits and African trade beads that these would blend well with, and it is right about time to start marketing summer items.

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