*sigh of relief*
Law final is done.
Yesterday, M caught a baby. She's a doula (a professional labor assistant; basically a midwife without some of the medical training) and her client gave birth yesterday to a seven-pound baby girl named either Elizabeth or Bellarosa. My vote is on Bellarosa.
So we stayed at the home of a friend who lives near the hospital, and this morning I was surprised in the altogether by a crazy friend of said friend who still, for some reason, has a key to their house to go with her aversion to knocking, and also I made a lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer references to people who didn't understand them, and had a melon shake thrown at me, and assisted in a police investigation, and friended M's grandmother on Facebook, and invented a court case that never existed to illustrate a point about tort law, and ate ravioli, and read study guides for an AP exam I took five years ago, and got medical advice from the entire staff of the campus convenience store, and thought in grave and excessive detail about elf genetics in Tolkien, and closely examined maps of South Carolina, and all this was kinda mundane but sounds very mysterious and exciting because I don't explain it. That's called suspense. Er, by the standards of Jerry B. Jenkins that's called suspense.
Tomorrow, when I am a little more awake, it is possible that I will come back and explain this tomorrow. But I might still be easily entertained by myself then, or I might just be trying to keep M from climbing out of a dentist's chair and forget, so no promises. Bed now? Bed now.
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