Friday, January 14, 2011

My Old South Carolina Home

So we got here juuust in time for a massive snowstorm, so the car is still packed because we were afraid of the steps, but we've hung pictures and installed the Wii my parents gave us for Christmas (it's RED), so life is good.  The Etsy shop, consequent to the weather, is still closed, but should be returning shortly.

It's a stunning day, clear and crisp and exactly one degree above freezing at a quarter to noon, and I'm watching the snow melt slowly off the pine trees from where I'm curled up with Frosted Flakes and a lap quilt on my orange loveseat.

Things I have learned both on the trip and since I arrived:

  1. I now understand why so many people refuse to leave New Orleans.  Under the tourist crap and the heavy dusting of powdered sugar, in a way that somehow incorporates both, that city is alive.
  2. Unsurprisingly?  The company on New Orleans vampire tours is a.) young and b.) freaking scary.
  3. People look at you funny when you genuflect before the altar even in a minor basilica.  I have mentioned I'm a weird fusion of pagan and Catholic, right?
  4. Crawfish.  Oh my GOD crawfish.  Fried.  Etouffee.  Gimme.
  5. Texas is really freakin' huge.  It constituted well over a third of our trip.
  6. Much of the upstate used to be prairie.  Seriously.  Who knew?
  7. If the cheese, milk and bread in the local Ingles are down to "Cheasy Product," whole milk, and hoagie rolls, it's not because it's Sunday.  Check the weather.

M is off teaching Business Writing and I need to clean the kitchen and start some laundry before she gets back (housework is so much easier by oneself than with a partner at home), so off to put on my frilly apron!  And clean my kitchen.  Mine.


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